Wrote: LOOKS like a BSD from pictures I just saw from googling BSD frames, didn't he also say it was a Fit? Seems pretty sketchy. I'd email the serial number to BSD and see if they can verify it the letters on the right, do they start with a T? Looks like it says TOOLO21 TOOLO BSD Too Loose 21'? Maybe, look similar anyone?
Aug 14, 2018 - Lug Style: Short Point, Brake Guides: 3x Double Loop style on top tube. The first letter in the serial number, M indicates the year of manufacture,.
Univega serial number question. I have a Univega Nuovo Sport with a serial number MA26981. Just trying to figure out the year. Serial L228321. WOOO I am a proud owner of a Univega Gran Rally. A Miyata Univega. I can tell from the serial number. Of the M-U serial number tells you what year it was. You can distinguish them from outsourced bikes by the serial number location. Osaka-built frames are serial numbered on the lower headlug. The second digit is the year, e.g., T5M78563 would be a 1985 frame.